Union of Banks of Armenia

The Union is the legal entity non-commercial organization and its goal is to present the corporate interests of its members.

UBA hosted international expert Professor Leslie Szamosi

UBA hosted international expert Professor Leslie Szamosi

  A seminar on the Organizational Behavior and Management in a Digitally Driven Organization was held at UBA with the participation of the human resources representatives from the financial-banking sector of RA. The seminar was conducted by the international expert Prof. Leslie T. Szamosi.           

 Professor Leslie Szamosi is a highly sought-after speaker in the field of human resource management and organizational behavior.

  Prof. Szamosi is the director of the dual degree MBA program at CITY College, University of York Europe Campus.  He is also an accreditor and panel chair for the International Faculty of the Association of MBAs (AMBA).  

  Within the framework of the seminar, the participants learnt on the peculiarities of the motivation and organizational culture, communication systems within the organizations.

  The interactive seminar was accompanied by the participants’ questions and discussions on certain cases and examples. 

  Upon the termination of the seminar, Professor Leslie Szamosi awarded certificates of participation to the seminar participants.

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